Let Us Help You Finish (or Start) Your Holiday Shopping!

3rd Dec 2020

We want to thank all of you for shopping our small, local business this year! Everyday we will be featuring gift ideas and stocking stuffer ideas for your friends and family. Check our blog, Instagram, and Facebook pages for daily inspiration for everyone on your list. If you'll be shopping with us online and would like to receive your orders before December 25, please place your orders by December 15 per recommendation by the USPS. If you are in the Nashville area, you can stop in our shop and complete your holiday gift list, and we also provide curbside pick-up. 

Today's idea is a simple one: gorgeous postcards! If it feels like your loved ones are a million miles away, a lovely gift is a short, heartfelt message of love. These gorgeous vintage-style postcards are sure to warm the hearts of those dearest to you. Gift the entire set or buy it for yourself to send individual messages to your friends and family.